This is Two Weeks Trailer (Korean Drama, TV Series). A drama story about a man who has been living a meaningless life after he got into a trouble in the past, and this problem become a mystery for years. While in the present time another trouble come, he is on the run after being falsely accused of murder and furthermore... he discovers that he has a daughter who is suffering from leukemia and he only have two weeks to solve all these problem.
The Production Location of "Two Weeks" is in korea and original released in August 2013 and drama genre about melodrama, action, thriller, mystery, romance and family. A very good opening drama.
Cast: Lee Joon-gi, Park Ha-sun, Kim So-yeon, Ryu Soo-young
Website: MBC
Video Source: Youtube - Two Weeks by Lee Joon Gi Official
Website: MBC
Video Source: Youtube - Two Weeks by Lee Joon Gi Official
Original Broadcast period
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